Barbie 2016: The Year of Articulation

Mattel has finally jumped on the articulation bandwagon. Both the 2016 collector and playline collections will feature articulated body-types. For those of us that love photographing and interacting with our dolls, this is welcome news. Below is a summary of the info we have thus far.

Barbie Look Collection
articulated model muse bodies (like Barbie Basics 2.1/2.5) Wave 1 has 3 dolls with a price point of $30-$35. I have one "Sweet Tea" doll so far. Her skintone is nostalgic, which matches most of my dolls.

made to move
I have the "purple shirt" (asian) doll from this line  This body is amazing. I want to carry her around with me to take photos and play.  I will be hunting down this line, full force. At $14.99, they are re-body perfect. IMHO Only downside is the glue in her head. Why, Mattel, Why?!

new articulated silkstone body
I'm not a silkie collector but this has me taking note of this line for the first time.  I hope BFMC collectors will be happy with the change.

I'm thrilled by these changes and hope they help the Barbie brand as a whole. Since I can't count on consistency through 2017, I'm going to spend time and money collecting the extra bodies I want this year.

A few quick photos to show the new look:


  1. Yeah for articulation! I hope Mattel continues with the trend and puts the Fashionistas on articulated bodies (too much to hope for??). I have already scooped up a fair amount of the Made to Move dolls for their bodies! The only one of them that doesn't have glue in her head is the "Theresa" one. Both Lea and Barbie have glue. Now if only we could get Mattel to listen to us on that!

    1. Yes, if Mattel would just take us seriously on the glue issue, I'd be so happy. Maybe next year?


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